The following steps are provided if you need to install SoftSlate Commerce on a server running Ensim. These instructions were tested specifically on a server running Ensim Pro for Linux, version 4.0. It may work for other versions as well.
![]() | Warning |
As of this writing, version 2.x of SoftSlate Commerce has not been tested on Ensim. The following documentation was taken from the installation steps for 1.x. It should apply to version 2.x, but there are no guarantees. |
Example 1.4. Installing SoftSlate Commerce on an Ensim Server
Provision the Tomcat Service for the Site You're Setting Up.
![]() | Note |
You must set up the site |
Log on to the server through ssh.
Change to the Tomcat site policies configuration directory:
[root@server root]# cd /var/tomcat4/conf/sites.policies.d
Create a file in this directory named
, whose contents are
the following. (Replace "site15" with the Site ID of the site you are
setting up.)
Log in to Ensim's Appliance Administrator control panel.
Click on the "Site Manager" link and find the site you are installing SoftSlate Commerce on.
Click the pencil icon next to the site name.
The site must have Tomcat 4 provisioned for it. If it is not already checked, mark the checkbox next to Tomcat 4, which is under the "Web Server" heading.
Tomcat 4 will not be assigned to the site if its "Security Level" is set to "High". If the security level is set to "High", you must change it to "3.1 Compatibility".
Create an Empty Database for SoftSlate Commerce.
Log in to Ensim's Appliance Administrator control panel.
Click on the "Site Manager" link and find the site you are installing SoftSlate Commerce on.
Click the pencil icon next to the site name.
The site must have at least one available MySQL database. Under the "Database Server" heading, make sure the checkbox next to "MySQL" is checked and that the site has at least one database.
Click "Save" to record your changes.
Navigate back to the "Site Manager" list.
Click on the name of the site you are setting up, and click yes to become the Site Administrator.
From the Site Administrator control panel, click on Services.
Click on the pencil icon next to MySQL.
Click on the "Create Database" link.
Create a database with "softslate" as the suffix.
If you have made a change to the site's database password, you may need to log back into Ensim's Appliance Administrator control panel and restart MySQL from the Services menu for the changes to take effect.
In MySQL, Associate the Database User with the Proper Host.
![]() | Note |
On some servers, this step may not be necessary. If SoftSlate Commerce's
Installer is having trouble making a connection to the database, you may
need to perform these steps. MySQL must have an entry in the
Log on to the server through ssh and look up the hostname of your server by running the hostname command:
[root@server root]# hostname [root@server root]#
Log in to Ensim's Appliance Administrator control panel.
Navigate to "Services" and click on the pencil icon next to MySQL
Click the link to "MySQL Administration Tool"
Log into MySQL with the root username and password.
In phpMyAdmin, select mysql under the "Databases..." menu.
Click on the link to the user
Click on the "Insert" tab to add a record to the
For Host use the hostname of your server from step 1.
For User use the MySQL user corresponding to the site you are setting up. (Click on the Browse tab if you need to find it.)
For Password, select "PASSWORD" in the drop down menu under the Function column. Enter in the user's password for database access in the Password field.
Leave all the radio buttons marked as "N" for No.
Click the Go button at the bottom of the page to add the record.
Navigate back to the Ensim control panel home, and go back to the "Services" menu.
Click the restart icon next to MySQL to restart the database and load your changes.
Alternatively, you may add the user record through the MySQL command line administration interface, and restart MySQL from the command line:
[root@server root]#mysql -u root -p
Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 978 to server version: 3.23.58 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql>use mysql;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql>insert into user values('', 'sitedbusername', password('sitedbuserpassword'), 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N');
Bye [root@server root]#/etc/init.d/mysqld restart
Add Mappings to the Site's Apache Configuration.
![]() | Note |
By default, Ensim will redirect URL's that match *.jsp to Tomcat to process. Since SoftSlate Commerce uses *.do and /do/* as well, you must add these mappings to the Site's Apache configuration. |
Log on to the server through ssh.
Change to the Site's Apache configuration directory. Assuming the Site's ID is 15, change to the following directory:
[root@server root]# cd /etc/httpd/conf/site15
Create a file in this directory named
, whose contents are
the following. (Replace "site15" with the Site ID of the site you are
setting up.)
<Directory /home/virtual/site15/fst/var/www/html/softslate/WEB-INF/> AllowOverride None Deny from all </Directory> <IfModule mod_jk.c> JkMount /*.do ajp13 JkMount /softslate/do/* ajp13 </IfModule>
Make sure to remove any extraneous files in the directory. (E.g., if
you used Emacs, be sure to remove the
file, if it exists.
Apache will attempt to load all the files in the directory.)
Restart Apache for the new configuration to take effect:
[root@server root]# /etc/init.d/httpd restart
Upload and Unpack SoftSlate Commerce.
Upload the SoftSlate Commerce .tar.gz
to the server.
Log on to the server through ssh.
Change into the Site's html
directory, and
copy the .tar.gz
file there. (Replace
"site15" with the Site ID of the site you are setting up.)
[root@server root]# cd /home/virtual/site15/fst/var/www/html/ [root@server html]# cp /root/softslate-enterprise-x.x.x.tar.gz .
Untar the .tar.gz
[root@server html]# tar -zxf softslate-enterprise-x.x.x.tar.gz
For the Installer tool to run successfully, the owner of the Tomcat
process must have writable access to the
directory and the
file. Use chown and chmod
to give the tomcat4
user permission. (Replace
"admin15" with the Site ID of the site you are setting up.)
[root@server html]# chown admin15.tomcat4 softslate/WEB-INF/conf/keys [root@server html]# chown admin15.tomcat4 softslate/WEB-INF/classes/ [root@server html]# chown admin15.tomcat4 softslate/WEB-INF/classes/ [root@server html]# chmod g+w softslate/WEB-INF/conf/keys [root@server html]# chmod g+w softslate/WEB-INF/classes/ [root@server html]# chmod g+w softslate/WEB-INF/classes/
Run the SoftSlate Commerce Installer.
in a browser and follow the instructions to install
SoftSlate Commerce.
If the application does not come up, use the Tomcat log file at
troubleshoot the issues.
If the Installer tool fails to connect to the database, double-check the database name, user name, and password. You may need to associate the database user with your server's host name for the connection to work (see above).
Following a successful installation, you should change the
permissions of the /WEB-INF/conf/keys
directory, the
file, and the
file back for better security. (Replace "site15" and "admin15" with
the Site ID of the site you are setting up.)
[root@server root]# cd /home/virtual/site15/fst/var/www/html/ [root@server html]# chown admin15.admin15 softslate/WEB-INF/conf/keys [root@server html]# chown admin15.admin15 softslate/WEB-INF/classes/ [root@server html]# chown admin15.admin15 softslate/WEB-INF/classes/ [root@server html]# chmod g-w softslate/WEB-INF/conf/keys [root@server html]# chmod g-w softslate/WEB-INF/classes/ [root@server html]# chmod g-w softslate/WEB-INF/classes/
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